
Each year, St. Michael – St Clement holds several events to benefit our students and our school. For more information on school fundraisers, please visit our Giving page.

School Rewards Programs

Giving back can be easy…as easy as shopping! St. Michael – St. Clement School is registered with several school rewards programs that help to benefit our school. Don’t forget St. Michael – St. Clement when shopping at the following retailers:

1. AmazonSmile

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price (.5%) to your favorite charitable organization. Please visit Or simply click on our unique charity link: and everytime you shop, you will help us raise money.

2. Box Tops

Don’t forget to continue to save Box Tops for Education! A nearby Catholic elementary school received checks for almost $7K for the year! If families would ask people to look and save for us we could earn even dollars for our school. The money goes directly into our operating budget and all helps to keep tuition at our lower rate. Collect Box Tops from friends, family, and neighbors! Each Box Top represents 10 cents for the school. You can find the familiar Box Tops coupon on hundreds of your family’s favorite products from General Mills and other manufacturers.

You can also download the “BTFE” app, but that gets complicated. Just send in those boxtops. Drawings will take place each month of a gift card to all those who donated.

3. Giant Foods A+ Giant School Rewards

St. Michael – St. Clement School earns money each time you shop! Please register your Giant bonus card to support STM-STC School The  A+ School Rewards program gives our school points for each purchase made using the Giant bonus card.  Each year we must re-register for their program. Please click here to register. Our school id is 01269. Click this link for step by step instructions to enroll in this program.

4. ShopRite Rewards for Education

ShopRite Rewards for Education, powered by eScrip is designed to help schools in our communities raise funds in a simple and convenient manner. Every time you use your registered Price Plus club card during the school year (September 1 – May 31), ShopRite will contribute up to 3% of that visit back to St. Michael – St. Clement School.  No receipts to collect – no prepayment of vouchers.  Just use your registered Price Plus club card to identify yourself as a supporter of  St. Michael the Archangel School. Click here to add your Shop Rite Price Plus Card to benefit our school.

5. Shoperoo

Download the “Shoparoo” app from the app store to your smart phone. Once the app is downloaded, sign up for our school: St. Michael – St. Clement School.

Here’s how it works:

  • Shop for any product, at any store
  • Take a picture of your receipts
  • Shoparoo donates to your school!

That’s it. Quick and easy!

6. Office Depot 5% Back to Schools

No special card is needed for this one! Anytime you shop at Office Depot, make sure they know which school you support! Either tell them our school number 70045800, or ask your sales clerk to look up our school number.

7. Dining Out Events

Fun after school activities to support our school. A percentage of you order will go back to STM-STC. Simply mention you are here to support St. Michael – St Clement School so we get credit for your participation. Here are some examples of fundraising nights, please be sure to check our calendar for more information about upcoming events!

  • Pizza John’s, Essex, MD
  • Frank’s Pizza & Pasta
  • Texas Road House, The Avenue at Whitemarsh
  • Carrabba’s
  • Panera Bread
  • American Steakhouse, Perry Hall
  • Rita’s Water Ice
STMSTC will be opening 2 hours late on January 21, 2025.